
来源:互联网 发布日期:2023-06-13 14:17:54


The snowman in the dream is piled higher and higher, the snowball of missing is rolling bigger and bigger, the snowflake of greeting is blowing more and more, and the sledge of blessing is running faster and faster. Before and after the severe cold, the cold current struck. May my blessing keep you warm for the winter!



Great cold, warm reminder: put on hope coat, strong suit, tolerance towel, considerate hat, struggle boots and drive a struggle car. Wish you happiness and warm winter!


The north wind whistles, blowing away troubles and sorrows, and freezing all bitterness; Snow fluttering brings good luck and happiness, and keeps all happiness. May everything go well with you during the severe cold season and stay happy forever!


The temperature drops rapidly in severe cold, so please collect the way to keep healthy, keep warm and keep in mind, keep warm from the cold, eat and make up, drink a bowl of hot ginger soup in the morning and evening, and keep healthy year after year!


Cold snowy nights are cold in winter, and words of concern are warm; From spring to the festive season, the festival is full of joy. Great cold greetings into wealth, the Spring Festival time has arrived; How many things to welcome the New Year, everything to sweep away dust at home!


Being a stranger alone in a foreign land, I miss you every time I have a severe cold. Knowing that the weather will become cold, I am busy sending blessings to tell you: Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health, three meals should be reasonably matched, and clothes should be frequently added when it is cold, and you will smile when you receive blessings!


When the Great Cold has passed the wax, everything escapes into the machine!


When you enter your home, you don"t feel cold, and it is difficult to return home without love


When it"s cold, I miss you very much. I don"t eat every day, and I don"t sleep at night. I hope to meet you every day, accompany you every night, and avoid the coldness and bitterness, so as to relieve the thirst of acacia. But the family has no food and clothing, dare to ask if your family"s fire resistance is willing to lend it?


At the end of winter, the cold is getting stronger and stronger, and the guardian is constantly strong


Great cold is the cycle of solar terms in the universe. In a hurry, another season is spring, summer, autumn and winter. Twenty-four solar terms have reached the last one, and spring is coming!


Move, even on the coldest day of the year


The sky is clear and cold, and everything is hidden in the cold weather


Quietly, Xiaohan left, waving the north wind and taking away a lot of loneliness and helplessness. Quietly, the severe cold came, and a trick of winter snow attracted countless fun and joy!


Slightly wet, easy to dry, sandy and soft, but warm and snowy in severe cold!


The night is very cold, and it is the day when great cold is coming. The cold and wet breath wraps around you and makes you breathless. Ha ha hand mood all have no, because the mood has been frozen!

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